Photographical scavenger hunt.

Each item listed in the scavenger hunt need be found. Your answer, posted in the comments, may be in any one of the following forms: (a) the answer, (b) a URL pointing to the answer, or (c) a note saying you have sent me an e-mail with the answer attached (which shall be verified by me, of course). If you cannot find the answer online, you may take a picture of the answer with a digital camera and send it to me via option (c). If you do not have a digital camera, you may (d) take a picture of it with an analog camera and write a note saying that you have taken a picture of this object and that once your film is developed, you will send me the picture, and I will stupidly believe you.

[Note: Because of the server problems, anyone who submitted an answer Tuesday gets half a point if they were the only person with the correct answer and a quarter-point if someone else also submitted one.]

Speed questions:
1) A frowning McDonald's employee in uniform. (Beth-Annie.)
2) A license plate from any state containing the number 53. (Alexander and Ed)
3) Riverbend Middle School in Iowa Falls, Iowa. (Kimberly and Ed.)
4) A white car from the game Life with a mother, a father, two daughters, and one son.
5) My signature. (Beth-Annie and Ed)
6) A 1977 half-dollar. (Kimberly and Ed.)
7) A poster for Mike Leigh's first movie, Bleak Moments. (Kimberly; Beth-Annie was wrong.)
8) The outside of Towers South at Southeast Missouri State University. (Kimberly and Ed)
9) A major government building in Liechtenstein. (Alexander and Beth-Annie.)
10) Another couple named Matthew and Kimberly. (Kimberly and Ed.)

Style questions:
11) Something very, very, very lame. And green.
12) The best bathroom ever. (Submission by Beth-Annie.)
13) A sexy kneecap. (Submission by Beth-Annie.)
14) A painfully grammatically correct sign, such as "x items or fewer."
15) Two items which do not belong in the same picture but yet are.
16) Item relating to yesterday's point opportunity.
17) Funniest individual cartoon strip in the history of cartooning. (Submissions by Ed and Ed again.)
18) Lame work-related clip-art.
19) Creative law-breaking.
20) Visual onomatopoeia. (No, please do not ask me what I mean by the phrase, because I have no idea. That is for you to figure out.)

I'll update points tomorrow. Promise.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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