
Corvette questioneering by Kimberly Lisa Prins:

1) Describe what makes the 1973 Corvette different from the '72 and the '74.
2) What color was the 1978 Corvette Pace Car, and why?
3) What model year of the Corvette was never sold to the public, and why?
4) The Corvette was one of the first cars to be made of fiberglass. Why?
5) The 1963 model year marked several substantial design changes. Name two one.

Corvette questioneering by Matthew Dale Prins:

6) Rearrange the letters the word "Corvette" to write a message that a misspelling Phillies manager might give to a pitching coach who wonders if Wendell should be put in the game.
7) Rearrange the letters the word "Chevy Corvette" to give a Libertarian reaction to a animal doctor who just cast a ballot for the Socialist candidate.
8) 3 N. F. W. (N. I. the S.) on a C. if O. T. I. F.
9-10) Write a one-paragraph essay that, without using lies, touts the energy-efficient nature of the 2003 Z06.

Non-numerical patterns by Thelma Dawn Esprit:

11) Z, X, C, V, B, __, __, __
12) Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, __, __, __
13) "Webster," "Mr. Belvedere," "Sidekicks," __, __
14) moments, labour, may, death, party, __, __, __
15) T, I, R, P, __, __, __

Internet Christmas shopping by Santa Claus, who will not use eBay or other auction sites:

16) Find a new digital video camera (either MiniDV or Digital8) for less than $300. (Current: $347.77.)
17) Find a new, non-permanent disc golf basket (not necessarily PDGA approved) for less than $75.
18) Find an autographed picture of Charles Nelson Reilly for less than $25.
19) Find a copy of Mario Golf 64, new or used, for less than $15. (Current: $26.99.)
20) Find 12 bottles of lemon-lime All-Sport for less than $12, including shipping to Virginia. (Pending until Ed actually purchases the All-Sport.)

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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