Bonus point opportunity.

This is stolen from someone who stole it from someone else. For one point (and only one guess per person), there are 10 romantically-inclined (as I am missing Kimberly) statements about me below, only one of which is false. Pick the false one:

1) Every girl I have dated more than twice either was then Catholic or had previously been Catholic.
2) Kimberly and I did not use 1st Corinthians 13 at our wedding on general principle.
3) The first girl who ever asked me out on a date had the unfortunate last name of "Butt."
4) I have never asked a girl out on a first date.
5) In 10th grade, I was waiting for a ride home and this group of girls came out and one of them said "Jen thinks you're neat," and then the girls laughed and then Jen playfully punched the girl who made the statement and I was confused on what it all meant.
6) Also in 10th grade, I got a call at home one day from a girl who said she was at a party playing a Truth-or-Dare-esque game and she wanted to know who I had a crush on and I didn't want to tell her so I gave her the name of this girl I had met at CY-TAG that I kinda had a thing 16 or so months earlier.
7) One girl who told me senior year in high school that she had a crush on me junior year also told me senior year that she though she might be a lesbian.
8) On a trip senior year in high school, the current boyfriend of one of my exes was writing a postcard to her and asked me how to spell her last name.
9) Kimberly and I almost kissed three days before our first date.
10) Kimberly and I were not legally married in the eyes of the Government of Mexico at the Capilla de la Sol del Amor (in La Cruz de Huanacaxtle) during the summer of 1998, and she did not give birth to a child, Pablo Prins, nine months later.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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