Mathématiques et anglais.

First ten questions are mathematical; second ten questions are Englishy. Don't say I never made a quiz especially for you.

1) Using only three 5s and whatever mathematical operations you'd like to perform on them (multiplication, powers, hyperbolic cosine, et al.), come up with an equation that equals 29.

2) Using only three πs and whatever mathematical operations you'd like to perform on them (multiplication, powers, hyperbolic cosine, et al.), come up with an equation that approaches negative infinity.

3) Using only three xs and whatever mathematics operations you'd like to perform on them (multiplication, powers, hyperbolic cosine, et al.), come up with an equation that equals 53 for some x not equal to 52, 53, or 54.

4) Explain how a set of 53 lines in a plane could connect at a total of combined 100 points.

5) Martha has five apples. Margaret has seven apples. Michelle has 22 apples. Each person's apples are all sold for the same amount of money (each of Martha's is, say, 72¢), but the amount the apples are sold for varies from person to person (Michelle's might be 43¢). Each person bought their apples at the same price -- half of what Michelle is selling her apples for -- and each person will make the exact same total net profit if they sell all their apples. At minimum, how much does one of Martha's apples cost?

6) Jen has ten apples. While vacationing in sunny Iowa, Janice steals nine of Jen's apples. Assuming these apples were worth 95¢ each, what would be Janice's maximum possible jail time and/or fine?

7) By replacing the letters A, P, L, E, and S with five different numbers, solve the following long division problem:

    LPPP0P r6


8) In which number base does the solution to 2+2 have the highest value?

9-10) Write a concise paragraph explaining the major problem with the mathematics in the Bowl Championship Series ratings; first person with the correct answer -- and there is one -- gets a half-point, and the best argument, regardless of correctivity, gets a half-point.

11) Which is these words is not like the others?
          gym, hmmphing, rhythm, shh, tsk

12) Which is these words is not like the others?
          anachonistic, avent-garde, embochure, horrendous, nickleodeon

13) Insert the correct form (or forms) of "to be" in the following sentence: If I [to be] a doctor -- like my mother wanted me to -- or if I [to be] to die at an early age, or if Amy [to be] was out in Des Moines all day (like she said she was, and I guess I'll find out for sure tomorrow), I would [to be] a long, pointless sentence that cannot end in a proper manner.

14) Explain why many of the "haikus" in my old, long gone haiku contest were not technically haikus.

15) And tell us what they actually were.

16) Name at least three words where changing (or adding) a suffix in (to) the base word changes the pronunciation of the first part of the new suffixized word (e.g. anachronic/anachronism).

17) Name at least three words that end in "-ly" but are not adverbs.

18) Name at least three words that are adverbs but do not end in "-ly."

19-20) Invent two new words by suffixizing or prefixizing them (such as turning suffix into suffixizing and prefix into prefixizing); best two words each get a half-point.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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