Answers and questions.

Some person or persons have been pestering me for the answers to my most recent quiz, and I have been not prompt in this request because I am having difficultly remembering some of the answers. That is not perfectly swell.

So. Anyway. Here is what I remember:

1) 6 Planets Other Than This One and Uranus and Venus.
2) 35 C. on the D. P. to the G. B. T. in the S. H. T. B. [Dang. I still cannot remember this one. Three points to whoever figures this out.]
5) 3 Bears Whose Porridge Was Tasted By Goldilocks.
6) 1 Sheriff I Shot but Zero Deputies.
7) 49 States After California Falls into the Pacific Ocean.
8) 3 Downs in American Football Before one Should Usually Punt.
14) 33 Puzzles Before This One if one Includes Last Round.
15) 143 Stripes in Eleven Flags. [Fine: American Flags.]
17) 42 American Presidents if one Doesn't Include Grover Cleveland Twice.
20) 5 Visible Knuckles on a Man Who Is Wearing A Glove on One of His Hands and Has Not Lost Any Knuckles on the Hand That Is Not Wearing the Glove.

And as a bonus, the one unsolved clue from the first round:

4) 27 Amendments to the Constitution.

New quizzy quiz: Fun with geography!.

Twenty questions, each worth half-a-point:

1) Take the name of this state. Rearrange the letters into a two-word phrase that Anna Nicole Smith might use to start the sentence "_____ 9:00 sharp." What is that state and phrase?

2) Name the European country that shares 100 percent of its border with another country.

3) Name a state capital that shares its name with a nation.

4) Change the first letter of the name of this European country, and it becomes the name of a certain famous resident of Florida. Name the country.

5) Change the first and last letters of the name of this Asian country, and it becomes Qzerbaijax. Name the country.

6) According to Yahoo! Maps, what state capital is 26 hours, 46 minutes from Richmond, Virginia?

7) What is the closest town to Iowa Falls, Iowa that has a population bigger than Iowa Falls', and how far is it away?

8) What is the closest town to Anchorage, Alaska that has a population bigger than Anchorage's, and how far is it away?

9) What is the closest town to New York City, New York that has a population bigger than New York's, and how far is it away?

10) Take the letters of this body of water, rearrange them, and you get "Atlantic Canoe." Name that body of water.

11) In what Michigan county was Charles Prins shot and killed by police in the spring of 1998?

12) What is the aesthetically coolest state as judged by looking at an American map?

13) What country has the most people per capita?

14) In what state does "The Weekenders" take place?

15) Name a John Denver song that does not include a state in the lyrics. (Note: The "Plant a Tree" commercial does not count.)

16) If a state's "score" is their number of vowels minus their number of consonants, what state (or states) has (or have) the highest score (or scores)?

17) Take the letters of this African country, rearrange them, and you get "Bunko Safari." Name that country.

18) What is the 53rd tallest mountain in the world?

19-20) Essay: Write one concise paragraph explaining why Liechtenstein should be viewed as its own continent.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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