Please pick up your omnibus ticket at Counter B.

It pains me to give points to my new uber-nemesis Jo[h]n -- although now J. is more angry at Pablo than me even if it was my ingenious stunt that has caused the animosity -- but I did say that the next member of Our Lady of Lourdes who posted in the comments would get two points, and thus Jo[h]n now has two points. Be happy, dude.

Speaking of J.: In a subtle act worthy of an uber-nemesis, Jo[h]n asked me to be his interview subject for an English assignment. "Such a nice boy," you are now thinking, but you do not know the kicker: He had to interview someone who was from a different generation. He is only 10 years younger than me. One decade is not a different generation, thank you kindly. How rude.

I hope, I do hope, that I have given Beth-Annie the key to getting her journal to live from its current down-and-walking state. We shall see.

Click here. How swell is that?

Eight more short notes about television:

1) So that was a blowout, was it not? At Busch Gardens on Saturday, after not watching the game on television, I was wearing one of my Iowa State football shirts, and an employee in one of the stores asked me, "You're gonna beat Nebraska today, right?" And I said, confidently, "Uh, I hope so." I still do not have faith in Iowa State Football, and I still suspect they're going to end up 8-5 after a loss to either Colorado or Texas Tech.

2) For now, my worries about "Scrubs" seem to have been unnecessary: The first episode was just as wacky1 and moralizing as last season.

3) Speaking of which, the second-best bit of television this month, even though I was expecting it from the beginning of the "Scrubs" episode: John C. McGinley destroying the troubadour’s guitar.

4) First "Friends" theory shot down: That Rachel saying "okay" as the final words of last season was not an acceptance of his proposal but instead just a acknowledgement that he was about to propose. Oops.

5) Second "Friends" theory shot down: That this Rachel/Ross/Joey love triangle would not be straightened out until at least the second and probably the third episode of the season. Oops.

6) Does no one else see how grating Rob Lowe is? The second scene with him in the premiere -- where he was awaken by a call from Josh -- was slapstick at its least stickish.2 Dear Aaron Sorkin: Please do not let him crawl his way back on this show.

7) Based on the first episode of the coastal show v. a couple episodes of the original last season, "CSI: Miami" is far superior to "CSI: Las Vegas." I may even watch it again.

8) I saw part of the game with the Eastern Missouri Rams. What has happened to the Rams? I am sad about the Rams.

Having now seen This is My Wedding Ceremony and It Is Fat and I Am Greek and The Wedding Is Greek, Too, By The Way twice now, I would like someone to explain to me how this film is so funny because I believe the humor is too [insert some adjective that makes me seem cool and the people who like the film seem lame] for its own good. Two points for the best explanation.

Ironically, Von's dis of her school's Drama Club makes me want to join some sort of club or organization myself. Two points to whoever picks the best club or organization for me to join, and an extra two points if I actually join it.

I have been more phobic than usual lately: Both my claustrophobia and my bloodophobia came forth this weekend, and although there were catalysts for both situations, they weren't particularly caustic (such as, say, seeing a man with a knife in his gut or being trapped inside a box for 53 minutes). So I don't know.

That's all, really.

1 If not always successfully so; the first Dogme 95-esque3 musical segment was far, far too long.

2 In case you cannot tell, that remark was meant as disparaging.

3 Huge congrats to Kimberly, who came up with that apt description before I did.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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