Thirty-two short notes about television.

1) The easternmost state that ABC will be showing the Iowa State-Nebraska game in is Tennessee. So I'm just going to go to Busch Gardens on Saturday and hope that ISU wins The Most Important Iowa State Football Game Ever.

2) Dear Aaron Sorkin: Let's say there is this situation in "The West Wing." Let's say you have the President interviewing candidates for his personal secretary, and let's say that candidate won't tell him why she was fired. Let's say that the candidate leaves, and by complete coincidence (I think) within ten seconds of leaving the Oval Office she meets the man who got her fired, and then the President comes out and tells him off. That would not be a very good situation in your show.

3) Which is too bad, because most of the rest of the episode was decent enough; Sorkin is a master of minutiae and dialogue, and nearly the entire two hours was minutiae and dialogue.

4) I have this bad, bad feeling that "Scrubs" is going to get worse this year; I fear that the wackiness (an acappella troupe singing the "Underdog" theme song, "McBeal"-esque visions, John C. McGinley's mannered sarcasm, The Janitor) will be overwhelmed by incessant and explicit moralizing (the last three minutes of every episode, complete with helpful voiceover!) in the show's new Play-It-Safe-Because-You're-Following-"Friends"-Okay?-Okay time slot.

5) I only saw the last ten minutes of "The Lawyer Who Quirkily Also Owns a Bowling Alley," but is the least svelte of the Stuckybowl associates leaving the alley/show? Is that what that last rolling o' the ball meant?

6) New television series that I'll be giving a shot: None. Or at least not until Beth-Annie tells me otherwise.

7) I do believe that the second-best animated series on the air, "The Weekenders," has bitten le dust, as I can't find it anywhere in UPN's Sunday morning schedule. Sniff.

8) Number one, by the way, is "King of the Hill," not "The Simpsons." But you already knew that.

9) Best bit of television so far this month: the supposed "Would You Like To Eat A Sandwich in Dave's Office?" which turned into Rupert, Stephanie, and Dave's Doctor doing a dorky dance.

10) Speaking of which: I would like the return of Johnny Carwash.

11) Thirty-two short notes about television? What was I thinking? I'm already getting stuck at eleven. Hmm. Um, I wonder if Errol Morris' "First Person" is still on the air on non-basic cable

12) It doesn't seem to be. Oh well.

13) My big television is an RCA.

14) I don't remember what kind my little television is.

15) Oh, forget it. I’m bored.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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