Friday, October 20: The day o' doom.

Doubtlessly, my second-most anticipated one-365th of 2002 is coming up tomorrow: The public release of the Virginia Film Festival schedule. But tomorrow could go wrong. Dreadfully wrong. There is a crisis. No, scratch that: There are two crises.

Crisis One: The only day I will be able to attend the festival this year is Sunday (which has a shortened schedule; lovely) because Friday evening and almost all-day Saturday I will be learning to be a even more perfect bell choir director. So you know what's going to happen: All the movies I want to see are going to be on Friday evening and almost all-day Saturday1.

Crisis Two: The first-most anticipated 365th of 2002 is the first day I can get up to D.C. to see the most anticipated new film of my lifetime2, Mike Leigh's All or Nothing. You see where this is going: Right now, the film is scheduled to have a limited release (that will likely include D.C.) on the same Friday of the film festival, of the bell directors' workshop, of why can't some of this happen a different weekend? So I'm not going to be able to see AoN on the day it's released, which is fine; however, I may have to make a Sophie's Choice-esque decision on whether to ditch the film fest on Sunday or (sigh) not see Mike Leigh's new film on it's opening weekend. How utterly horrid my life is. Pobre Mateo.

1 Preemptive strike v. Jo[h]n and others: That was not a linguistic error. The parallelism was intentional, so shut up.

2 I swear this is not hyperbole.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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