So this is a stupid idea.
I have now decided to go back and try to think of a counterexample for all my pet peeves. I am an idiot. (I initially thought I'd also try to go back and think of negative counterexamples for my predilections, but I now see how exceptionally fanatical that is.)

For any I've left blank, one point for anyone who can help me fill it in.

songs that unabashedly promote social causes with neither humor nor self-effacement: Pierce Pettis' "Stickman" (lyrics here, intertwined with a sermon), which works mostly because it focuses on one individual in a nursing home rather than the entire industry.

songs with a simple upward whole- or half-step key change going into the final or penultimate time through the chorus: uh... (I am sure there is a counterexample to this; I just can't think of it)

songs that create a "musical tapestry" rather than having actual melodies: uh...

live albums and songs that use the words "baby" and "babe": already answered.

songs with puns in the title or in the lyrics: the Newsboys' "Elle G.," because the pun isn't used elsewhere in the song.

scatological humor: seven points if someone can come up with an cinematic example of scatological humor that I laughed at.

films that have no characterization and also do not make narrative sense: Guy Maddin's beautiful short, "The Heart of the World"; I can handle grooving on just visuals for six minutes, and yeah, I guess "Heart" does make a little bit of narrative sense.

films with actively dislikable protagonists: the closest I can come up with is In the Company of Men, which has one actively dislikable protagonist, but also has one likable (until the end) protagonist, so I don't think it counts.

earnest documentaries that pretend not to take a side but actually do:Harlan County U.S.A., kinda

romantic comedies where there is no way, nope, not gonna happen, that party A would fall for party B: uh...

films where it is obvious the writers worked extra hard to come up with a scene where the lead actress could be topless: uh...State and Main? (No, not really.)

Lasse Hallström films: no possible counterexample until I've seen more of his movies (ha!)

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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