Dear people who play in four-octave handbell choirs, which is I think all of you (other than Kim) who play in handbell choirs.

Imagine a G3, which is the lowest note in a four-octave handbell set and has a diameter of about 8". Now imagine a C3, which is four notes lower than the lowest note in a four-octave handbell set and has a diameter of about 11". Now imagine a C2, which is, like, a whole lot lower than the lowest note in a four-octave handbell set and has a diameter of about 1'7", assuming you are imagining it in aluminum rather than brass. Yeah. We now have that bell. If not most of the other ones between C2 and C3.

Because I am chasing y'all away with all my handbell talk, more reviews of objects that should not be reviewed.

Minute Maid Premium Light, B-

"An orange juice beverage with half the calories and sugar of orange juice," they say, and of course they neglect to mention that it has approximately half the taste as well; specifically, it tastes like orange juice after letting ice melt in it for about half-an-hour. Still distinctly orange-juicy, however, and since the demise of All-Sport, it's probably the best 50-calorie-per-serving drink around.

Travelocity's new look, B

An odd mix of colors if you think carefully about it, but somehow it works; the right shade of orange and the right shade of blue can live together in harmony. What are those wacky star-shaped objects in the logo, however?

Hershey's Chocolate World, D+

Look! It's a fake manufacturing plant, where tour groups ride in fake cars to see fake people make fake chocolate bars and, oh yes, they pipe in a fake chocolate smell to make the experience feel more realistic, except you know what, it isn't! Bring back Ben & Jerry's where we get to see real people making real ice cream and then at the end we get to have real samples of flavors that haven't been released in America. Also, crazily crowded with munchkins.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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