Home Movie; dir. Chris Smith; grade: B-

Hi. So what this non-fiction film is is that there are these five people and they have these wacky houses -- like there's this one guy who lives on a houseboat and this couple where their entire house is tailored to their 11 cats and this other couple in Kansas who lives underground in a former nuclear missile launch site. That sounds pretty cool, you are thinking, but then you think some more and you say to yourself, "Self, once I have seen tours of these five wacky houses and meet the wacky people who reside in them, what else is there to see to fill the remaining 60 minutes of this 90 minute documentary?" I will tell you what else there isn't to see. Much. (Former-nuclear-missile-launch-site storyline excepted, because learning cool stuff about that is cool.)

Also, dear all documentarians: If you are telling multiple stories, and you are not trying to draw parallels among the stories ala Errol Morris in Fast, Cheap and Out of Control, please just go the first-half-of-Spellbound route and tell your stories sequentially rather than intertwining them, because if you intertwine them then certain viewers are going to look for the parallels you are showing by this intertwintion and when they do not see any they will get sad.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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