
I have been good so far in my walk-a-marathon training, which has (perhaps only temporarily) supplanted my run-a-less-than-marathon training. I am in week two, and I have only missed one of the six scheduled walks thus far. (This does not include the walk today, which I will miss due to winds so velociful that they blew down some of the gutters on our new house -- gutters that made it through Hurricane Isabel fine, mind.) So. This is the pledge I make to you all. If I am successful keeping to the program through week 8 -- the week that ends on January 3rd, and the week in which I have my first 10-mile walk -- I am going to plunk down my $50 for registration in the Shamrock Marathon and book a Friday-night hotel room in Virginia Beach, as a major incentive for me to keep with the program. I legitimately feel that this is possible -- after all, I have 450 minutes to finish the race, and if I can't walk 17 minutes to the mile, well, I don't deserve the nickname "Edwin Moses." Fortunately, that is not my nickname, so it's all good.

Realization of the day, the day being yesterday.

You know, when I don't have to four-in-hand, I can be a pretty awesome bell-ringer.

A quarter, two dimes, and a penny.

There is a change coming to How Perfectly Swell. A quiet change. A gentle change. A straightforward and honest change to sit with me in a cottage somewhere in the state of Iowa.

Ahem. Sorry. Let us just say that it is for those more interested in us than in me.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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