Christmas movies.

So my next paid film review assignment -- I've been doing about one a month recently -- is a consumer guide to some of the best Christmas movies. Being me, however, I want to do something more unusual than list just the Wonderful Lifes and 34th Streets of the world, so I am trying to think of:

a) Obscure Christmas-themed movies that are cool, awesome, and/or gnarly.

b) Movies that do not focus on Christmas, per se, but do take place during the holiday season and are also cool, awesome, and/or gnarly.

c) Movies that don't take place during the holiday season at all but have story arcs that allude to or parallel the birth of Christ. (For example, if Superman were born in a manger, that would have been good. If he were born in a manger in Israel, that would have been better.) Also, the cool/awesome/gnarly bit.

If you help me, I will work in an anagrammed version of your name into my review, assuming that your name anagrams to "Matthew Prins."

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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