An apology.

I am very sorry about not posting posts this week. I have been using my last few lunches doing stupid things like move money from one account to another so Kim and I can get a giant (in terms of cash, not in terms of novelty-size) cashiers' check to close on the house, and then getting the cashiers' check, and then today closing on our new house. I am bad bad bad. Please forgive me.

House-closing joke of the day.

Actual conversation from closing this morning.

Lawyer: So after we sign all the contracts in a couple weeks regarding the house you are selling, there are a number of ways the proceeds from the sale can be transferred to you. We can a direct deposit, or you can get a check from the closing agent, or...
Me: Can we get a briefcase full of cash?

On the same subject, shockingly to me (though apparently not to Kim, who'd already run the numbers in her head), the check we will get from the proceeds of our current house will actually be slightly higher than the cashiers' check we cut to pay for this house. Of course, we have 30 years of payments on the new house vs. about 13 on the prior, but still.

How Perfectly Swell Marginally Cool Friday Giveaway!

Two this week:

a) A extra-large t-shirt from the American Association of Working People, which you can join for free because I love you so.

b) The entire contents of my upper-left-hand desk drawer at work, other than a few items that I need for work and two driver disks that I'd rather not give away. Included are a number of nondeliverable brochures, the useless user's manual to an EPIA Mini-ITX computer, two or three print cartridges to a printer my company no longer owns, two CD-Rs that have who knows what on them (although I will check to make sure the material is not sensitive work-related material before sending them along), and other stuff at the bottom of the drawer that I cannot see because there is all that listed stuff at the top.

First respondent gets first choice. Second respondent gets second. Third respondent gets tears of frustration.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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