
As those of you who care about me will recall, I joined the James River Ringers as part of my first anti-lethargy list early this year. Next Saturday finally marks the first major performance since I've been a member, and it'll be...interesting. There are a dozen (give or take a couple) selections total in the concert, including a level 5- piece, a level 5 piece, a level 5+ piece, and a levelless piece that consensus says is more difficult than any of the aforementioned. (I am not part of the consensus; that said, I have the easiest part in the levelless piece and one of the more difficult parts in the level 5+ piece, so I am not exactly unbiased.) I still hear a fair number of mistakes in the two compositions mentioned in the most recent parenthentical, but I'm certain I'm more picky in that regard than the audience will be. The other pieces are all fine: It doesn't take much work for the JRR to have a good handle on most anything level 4 and below. Should be fun.

True bell-ringing joke of the week:

Director: This section needs to stay at a consistant speed, and any time you start play stacatto notes, you start picking up the tempo. Does anyone have any ideas to fix this?


Me: Stop playing the notes stacatto?

What I learned -- through personal experience -- about the Astroturf on the field at Skydome last weekend:

It is very springy. Surprisingly so. It has much more give than dirt plus grass does.

What I learned -- through personal experience -- about Canadian curling magazines:

They do not exist. At the very least, they are not sold at major bookstores. However, two different magazines about Manchester United -- no, not just about British soccer; about that specific team -- are. I have lost some of my respect for Canada.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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