
As you will not recall, last year at this time, I correctly (more or less) predicted how The West Wing finale would end (with C.J.'s quasi-boyfriend dead). Since that time, I have also correctly guessed what college Rory would choose to attend (Yale, because it was the only one that would allow her to return home on a regular basis), correctly hypothesised the exact final shot of the "Ed" finale, and correctly predicted the "shocking ending" to more than a couple Law & Order episodes (greatest acheivement: figuring out that the dead guy hired a hitman to kill himself -- a suicide by proxy, so to speak).

So. Let's see what we can do with a few upcoming season finales:

"The West Wing": All of you either know or don't care what happened in the last episode, so I feel comfortable mentioning it: Zoë, the president's youngest daughter, was kidnapped after her boyfriend stuck a mickey in her drink. (Pretty awful plot turn, but never mind ‘bout that.) Sorkin's sadistic streak in having characters killed or nearly so in season finales, plus the fact that he's not in a good mood after being forced off the show, means that Zoë will either (a) be killed by the end of the episode or (b) Zoë will be in a hospital bed, in critical condition, or (c) whoever kidnapped her is going to say something like, "Give me 1000 nuclear warheads or your daughter gets the bullet in the brain." Given all the hints that were thrown about in last episode regarding retribution for something the President had done earlier in the year (an assassination), I'm voting for (c); specifically, that's going to be the last minute or two of the episode.

"Friends": A few different possibilities for finale directions: The major storyline has been Monica and Chandler trying to conceive, but there's also Joey plus new girl, Joey plus Rachel, Ross plus Rachel, Ross plus new girl, Phoebe plus Hank Azaria, Phoebe plus whoever her old boyfriend was, Rachel plus Phoebe, Ross plus Joey, Ross plus Monica, etc. Given the show's out-of-left-field season finales of late, I vote for either (a) Ross marrying new girl, (b) Phoebe marrying not-Hank-Azaria, or (c) an exact replica of last season's finale, except with Rachel (intentionally) proposing to Joey. My best guess: (c).

"Gilmore Girls": I haven't seen any of the season finales of this show yet, but I'm going with some low-key ending that involves Paris going to Yale (please, let Paris stay on the show!), crossed with Lorelai's part-time beau/Rory's teacher leaving to go...somewhere, crossed with Rory ending the year unattached.

"Law & Order": Someone will be killed. The police will think they know who did it, but it will turn out to be someone else.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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