I am bad.

I am sorry that I have not been writing substantial posts as of late. I am spending my lunches calling builders and subdivision developers and whatnot so Kim and I can sign contracts and add closets and frolic on the plateau of dirt that is our likely future lawn. So I have neglected you, and you are sad, and you are angry, and you write nasty e-mails to me using words I do not like to see, such as "disillusionment" and "repulsion" and "antifrolicness." I will be better. Like William Bennett and Larry Eustachy, I am now a new man. I have seen the light.

The light tells me that I must work on my screenplay for "[sic]" and post it as I write. I have an idea. A strange idea. The idea goes like this: During the French opening segment, I have numbers flash on the screen -- one through seven, say. And then after the opening segment, I have the closing credits. One thinks. After the closing credits, I return to the numbers one through seven, now described (somehow) as "footnotes." And all the rest of the film is those footnotes -- likely some sort of "humorous" deconstruction of the joke at the beginning of the film. Perhaps I would even call the film "Footnotes." But that might be too obvious.

Tell me if this is a good idea or me trying to be too clever.

Also, I am reading David Mamet's intriguing On Directing Film -- thanks Ed, Beth-Annie -- and I am going to try to integrate some of his methodology into the film, such as hiring Rebecca Pidgeon.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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