What I think about on my way to work on days when I forget to turn the radio on.

Wait a minute. If good, moral Eileen does not have a husband, how does she have a daughter? Hmm.

My writing style for these stories is all wrong -- it's going to come off completely stilted. This will be a horrible movie.

And should I play part #11? I don't think I'm going to find anyone who will be able to in the right manner, and that's going to ruin the whole film. I'm glad I used the weasel name "Chris" in Opie's script, because while I'm no great actor, I at least know what I want from the role.

Hmm. I wonder if there's ever been a gay version of The Music Man with Marion the Librarian as a guy. I bet there has.

In fact, given the cliché about gay men and musicals, I'm surprised there isn't an industry spouting same-sex versions of famous plays-with-songs: My Fair Gentleman, Les Miserables (Miserable Because They're In The Closet, That Is), Beast and the Beast. There's money to be made here. Big money.

My next car accident -- one, two years down the road -- will be right at this spot, the entrance ramp to Nuckols Road South off of I-295, on the one day every two weeks or so when traffic comes to a complete standstill on the ramp when it ought not.

I wonder when the last time I actually got to work at 8:15A like I am supposed to was. Probably months ago.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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