Items that you do not care about.

You are actively disinterested in what four classes I took at my bell directors' conference, no doubt, but no doubt that I will still tell you: "Music for Levels I, II and III," "Beginning Directors’ Issues," "Beginning Conducting" (which replaced Advanced Conducting, I guess), and some course not listed in Friday's entry that was about thumb plucks and malletting and bell trees and other non-traditional ways of ringing bells. There was no course on composing1 and arranging, sadly.

Decision time: For Advent and Christmas, I should really arrange some Christmas tunes (with cool, non-traditional arrangements) rather than write new pieces from scratch, no? I have this idea for the melding of "Silent Night" and "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" that may be trés cool, but probably won't be.

It has been over 40 hours since I saw Punch-Drunk Love, and I still have very little idea what I think of it critically. I've toyed with putting it number three on my top ten list. I've considered sticking it with a B-. It all depends on the attitude the film takes regarding the Sandler/Watson romance, and I still can't figure if Anderson wants us to view the relationship earnestly and mostly positively or, in the words of Quiz Kid Stanley Spector, as "This is something that happens." I prefer the latter, but I suspect the former; regardless, I may withhold my grade pending a second viewing.

Question: Should I put my reviewlets on different individual pages, or do you like them the way they are in my top ten list?

Quiz tomorrow: 5:00P. Topics, please.

Ballot choices for "CWMWWAW":

1) quiz
2) tomorrow
3) 5:00P
4) topics
5) please

1 Speaking of which: If anyone wants a copy of any of my compositions, let me know and I'll send it to you as a PDF unless you are Von or Pablo in which case I will unlock the church for you and you can grab your bell choir folder.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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