Catholics to the left, Catholics to the right.
In the past four or five days, I have been bombarded with pro-Catholic propaganda. Fine, okay, a lie: Two people -- one real, one non1 -- whom I have never discussed my confused religious situation2 with have talked with me in the past four days about my faith journey and how Catholicism fits in.

So. Here is a two-step program to convert me to Catholicism:

1) Convince me that capital-T Tradition exists and is an acceptable corollary to the Bible. Easiest way to persuade me of that: Show pieces of my faith that are based on the tradition of the Church and not from a straight, literalisticish reading of the Bible, such as a Trinitarian view of God. (Yes, sure, a Trinitarian view of God -- three in one, etc. -- can be inferred from the Bible, but it’s never explicitly stated, I believe; thus, nearly all Christians are taking an important aspect of their faith on what Catholics would consider part of Tradition.) (By the way, I came up with this argument all by myself. Why wasn’t this brought up in Catholic Inquiry? I happen to think it’s a dreadfully persuasive line of reasoning, if only as a starting point.)

2) Convince me that, if there is such a thing as capital-T Tradition, that the Catholic Church’s interpretation of such is the proper one. A proper argument would start with trying to draw an unbroken line from Peter to the Pope that shows a more-or-less uninterrupted chain of command that is dogmatically consistent (or, if not, at least not dogmatically inconsistent) with the Catholic Church’s catechism today. I am not sure where a proper argument would end.

You get those two, and by definition all other problems I have with the Catholic Church (boring ol’ clichéd list: Transubstantiation, loveliness of Mary, etc.) would fall away.

1 What I mean is one from the real world and one from the fake, Internety world.

2 (This is mostly pilfered from an e-mail I wrote a couple days ago.) I was born and raised in what must have been the most conservative congregation in the third- or fourth-most liberal denomination, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). (How conservative? My pastor was a predestinationist, and my youth leaders were big big big on the Rapture.) At age 14, I moved to a college town, where I started attending a relatively liberal church in the CC(DoC) denomination. In college, I attended CC(DoC) churches, Lutheran churches (both Missouri Synod and ELCA), a Baptist church, blah blah blah. So I haven’t really had a home denomination in seven years, even if I have had home churches in the interim.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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