My friend Jonathan Paul would be none-too-pleased.
So I am part of my church's vacation Bible school program. Specifically, I am the character of Bugbert, a puppet who helps the VBS children learn today's banal Bible Point ("God knows us," "God helps us," "God is our friend"). The program this Catholic church is using is -- gasp! -- Protestant material, and thus I believe the daily Bible Point should be paired with a daily Tradition Point, where the children learn a fun capital-T Tradition fact!

Monday: Mary is Mediatrix of all Graces!
Tuesday: The Pope is infallible when he speaks ex cathedra!
Wednesday: The degree of justifying grace is not identical in all the just!
Thursday: It is permissible and profitable to venerate images of the Saints!
Friday: Sunt itaque Filii Dei incarnatio ab eoque per mortem ac resurrectionem comparata salus ad iudicandam rerum temporariarum veritatem regula vera nec non ad omne aestimandum propositum, quo reddi hominis vita debeat magis etiam humana!

I believe this would help the six-year-olds with their budding Catholicosity.

Commercials as Degas.
Opie queries: "So can commercials that don't work still be good art?"

  • The Aaron Burr milk commercial. I don't think it's successful, even on an image level -- does milk need an image pick-me-up a la Nike? -- but it's funny and smart.
  • Errol Morris' PBS commercials. They're really more first-rate super-short films than they are commercials; if they are commercials for anything, they're commercials for imagination and, ugh, "thinking outside la boîte."
  • The commercial with the guy in the car who's trying to hurry up and stop that wedding, and then he gets there, and the bride and the groom and him just all look at each other. I've probably seen it 100 times, but I still can't remember what car it's for. The VW Jetta, perhaps? It seems like a VW commercial.
David Ogilvy's market-testing view is boring. Sorry, red-haired bud.

oh so lovingly written by Matthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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