Well. So I'm addicted.
Yes, I said fewer posts this week, yes, I said in-laws are in town, yes, screw my last message. I'm back, I'm black, and I'm...oh, wait. I'm not black, am I? Oh dear.

Surprisingly to me, I have really gotten into writing in this journal the past month, and I feel a bit sad about letting it stay dormant, even for a few days. I am not sure why. Those of you who know me well know that I'm not the most emotionally open dude in the northwest quadrant of Henrico County, and I had a working theory that all the writing I've done this month about feelings and personality and mushy, mushy bits has been a bit of a release for me. I had pooped out my emotive blockage, let us say. But then I went back and read my posts and I see that there are about one-and-a-half messages that could even potentially qualify as that sort of emancipation. Even the post that supposedly was about my emotions -- the Matthew-makes-passes-at-girls-who-wear-glasses entry -- was more of a red herring than anything else; that's barely a paint chip on a subject I could have gone into much, much, oh so much more depth on. (In the metaphor, you would have needed to call Maaco afterward.) So that's not it.

(And no, I have no intention of being any more open in this arena. None. You want to know who my tenth grade crush was? Tough. You want to know how I feel about having children? Your loss. You want to know the things I do not particularly like about myself? As my Dad as Mr. Taboo says, "Yeah, right.")

(To be clear, though: There are certain people that I would tell the answers to some of these questions to in a less public forum. [And a few people already know the answers to some of these questions, natch.] For example, if you could not possibly put a face to the name of my tenth grade crush -- and some of you might be close -- you do not get to know; if you can't, what do I care? [At this point, I'll tell anyone about fourth through ninth, regardless, even if (somehow, since I haven't seen any of them in at least nine years) the crushee asked; strangely, I have no qualms about that.] And other people get other confessions, and if you all got together you would have a lovely picture of me that I would probably not want to set my eyes upon, and so on and so forth.)

(Did I have a point? No, no: I see that I didn't.)

Anyway, so I wonder, what is that reason I've written so much? I have three working theories, one of which I don't like because it makes me look ...well, I won't tell you how it makes me look, other than an austere "eh." Maybe I'll post them later; maybe I won't. But I'd be happy to hear your theories.

Andrew: I'll respond to everything tomorrow. Promise.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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