Six-to-twelve shampoos? Whatever, hair dye-inventer dudes and dudettes.
I am at shampoo numero dos on my "darkest brown" hair, and much of it is already beginning to return to my original medium brown color. My in-laws -- who are coming to visit around the Fourth -- won't even get to see my new hair color. I demand a refund of my four dollars!

A new feature to Prinsiana City that will probably only last two weeks, if that.
Fridays at Prinsiana City have now been deemed Choose What Matthew Will Write About Fridays. For Choose What Matthew Will Write About Fridays, Prinsiana patrons will choose what Matthew will write about on Fridays. I hope that is not confusing.

Your five choices for tomorrow:
(a) The biggest reason Matthew will probably never become a Catholic.
(b) A poem about office supplies.
(c) Why Matthew agrees with the Pledge of Allegiance court decision, kind of.
(d) A flash fiction story that ends with the line, "He drove home silently, thinking about those farts."
(e) An excerpt from my fourth grade diary.

Vote early, vote often!

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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