C.J.'s Secret Service bodyguard is in troubs.
The end of The West Wing, season one: Josh gets shot.
The end of The West Wing, season two: Mrs. Landingham gets killed.
The end of The West Wing, season three: Somebody's not going to feel so good after the episode's over.

The most reasonable hypothesis: Given the brazen flirting between C.J. and her bodyguard (they nearly kissed, which must break numerous Secret Service regulations) and given the brazen foreshadowing of the agent having to use his gun (both in the discussion of the season one shooting and in the scene at the firing range) and given that Sorkin (despite his strength as a writer of insignificant moments) clearly sets up nearly every major payoff in the show, there are only two probable scenarios:

1) In trying to protect C.J., the agent gets shot. (In this scenario, the stalker may or may not also get shot.)
2) In trying to protect C.J., the agent shoots the stalker.

I vote for number one, as I'm not sure the unrequited lust between C.J. and her bodyguard would have been established in yesterday's episode had his demise not been at the back of Sorkin's mind.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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