I've been thinking. Now that my sister-in-law has dyed her hair, perhaps I need to do so for the second time. The first time, as many of you know, was a failure; five years ago, an attempt to turn my hair blond using a permanent dye turned my hair, uh, orange. (I'll try to find a picture and link to it tomorrow.) I will not forget my college lessons, however:

1) If I dye my hair again, I will choose a darker color than my natural light brown.

2) If I dye my hair again, I will not choose a permanent dye.

3) If I dye my hair again, I will get a new girlfriend. The last time I dyed my hair was exactly one week and one day before the first dance with my wife. (I don't get that at all, by the way. Did she think it was cute? Her eyesight is bad, yes, but is it that bad?)

4) If I dye my hair again, I will have to dye my goatee, too. It's already lighter than the hair above it, and dying my head hair darker is just going to make the difference more pronounced.

5) If I dye my hair again, please stop me.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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