Annual tradition of the week.

Assuming that this doesn't get a 2004 release, this is my 2004 top ten list, as predicted before I've seen any of the films. (I cannot believe I've had the no. two on my list for two months now -- thank you Ed, Annie -- and haven't yet seen it. I really need to make time for that.) According to history, about a third of these films will very much disappoint me, and at least a few will make me very very happy.

  1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Pros: Michel Gondry. Strong advance reviews. Michel Gondry. Michel Gondry. Charlie Kaufman. Michel Gondry. Cons: Gondry's only other feature-length film, Human Nature, which was also written by Kaufman, was pretty eh.
  2. Dogville. Pros: Rapturous praise from like-minded critics at Cannes last year. Lars von Trier's last three films have ranged from very good to among the best of last decade. Certain artistic decisions von Trier's made (that I've heard about through those Cannes reviews) sound unbelievably awesome. Cons: Lars' only other American film was the weakest of those aforementioned three.
  3. Before Sunset. Pros: Sequel to my number three film from 1995. Linklater's The School of Rock was also muy bien. Strong advance reviews. Cons: The last sequel I loved was Babe: Pig in the City six years ago.
  4. Spartan. Pros: One of my five favorite filmmakers of those who have made gobs of films, David Mamet rarely makes directorial missteps... Cons: ...although his last film, Heist, was one of them.
  5. Triple Agent. Pros: One of my five favorite filmmakers of those who have made gobs of films, Eric Rohmer rarely makes directorial missteps... Cons: ...although his last film, The Lady and the Duke, was one of them.
  6. The Incredibles. Pros: Brad Bird part of the best years of "The Simpsons." Craig T. Nelson casting makes me grin. There's never been a Pixar film that's gotten lower than a B+ from me. Cons: There's only been one, Monsters, Inc. that's gotten anything higher.
  7. The Five Obstructions. Pros: My main man Lars von Trier. Premise sounds oh so awesome. Cons: Reviews all over the place.
  8. The Saddest Music in the World. Pros: Good reviews. Premise sounds oh so awesome. Guy Maddin's last two films have been very good... Cons: ...although I didn't care for any of his work prior.
  9. Distant. Pros: Very good reviews. I'm a sucker for a good loneliness film. Cons: Other than that, I know nothing about the movie.
  10. 2046. Pros: Mucho buzz. Kinda a sequel to my no. 6 film for 2001, apparently. Cons: Wong Kar-Wai has only made one-and-two-thirds great films; the rest is pretty eh.
  11. Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. Pros: Along with "Dude, Where's My Car?," one of the greatest titles in the history of cinema. Cons: Um.
So there.

oh so lovingly written by Matthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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