The test.

Today, I shall be leaving work early to walk a premeasured (by me) 5.7 mile course. This is the first time I will be doing one of my longish walks based on distance rather than, say, walking around a mall until I have walked for 2h30m, so this will be an interesting test give a decent indication how quickly (i.e. slowly) I will be able to walk my 10-week-out marathon in. (In/out juxtaposition intentional, thank you kindly.) I will extrapolate today's time and give you my projected marathon hours and minutes tomorrow.

I want.
Online mapping software that (a) allows you to plot the shortest path rather than the so-called quickest and (b) allows you to put in intermediate points between the start and finish and (c) rounds to the nearest tenth of a mile rather than to the nearest mile and (d) doesn't give wack directions like this. (Without knowing anything about the area I work in, please look at the right-hand map and tell me how you would get from the end of the path to the star without off-roading. Thank you.) I know websites that meet each of these criteria; I do not know any that meet them all.

Thing that makes me feel vaguely confident about completing my marathon.
From Saturday, January 3rd through the Saturday one week later, inclusive, I walked between 27 and 30 miles.

The winner.
All-Sport, as I am counting Kim's nomination as a vote. Tomorrow it will hopefully be written.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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