When the dog bites. When the bee stings.

These are the bestest items in their various genres in 2003, as deemed by me, myself and God.

  • Best film: The Son
  • Best film that made more than $100,000 at the U.S. box office: The Shape of Things
  • Best film that made more than $1 million at the U.S. box office: Spellbound
  • Best television show: "Gilmore Girls"
  • Best television show on a network that Richmond has: "King of the Hill"
  • Best five minutes of television: The Paris/Rory conversation leading up to Lorelai saying, "I have the good one," "Gilmore Girls" #3.16
  • Best Richmond-area trend: The opening or impending opening of two Chipotles
  • Worst Richmond-area trend: The tripling of murders in our county from 2002 (even if most are nowhere near us)
  • Best marginally popular song (which I first heard in 2004, but never you mind that):OutKast, "Hey Ya!"
  • Best not-at-all popular song:Gillian Welch, "Look at Miss Ohio"
  • Best 20 seconds of music: the chorus to Beyoncé's "Crazy in Love"
  • Best music video: Kylie Minogue, "Come Into My World" (directed by Michel Gondry)
  • Best magazine article: William Langewiesche’s "Anarchy at Sea" about modern-day piracy (no link, alas), Atlantic Monthly, September 2003
  • Best magazine in general, really, and probably will be for the next decade: Atlantic Monthly
  • Best non-serious magazine: Entertainment Weekly
  • Best dietary development: cholesterol-lowering orange juice


  • Worst rumor of 2004: Yeah. Uh huh. Apple's releasing a $100 iPod.

oh so lovingly written by Matthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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