
Just ignore that film emergency. We're just going to work on something for next month's contest instead. Thanks.

I am apparently picky when it come to sermons.
I went to a United Methodist Church this past Sunday with a subsection of the James River Ringers, and for the second straight performance, they were all impressed with the minister's sermon while I was left relatively cold. I am sorry, but Mr. Preacher lost me the moment he stated this immortal truth, which doubled as his sermon's thesis: "When God closes a door, he opens...another door." At least ending the sentence with "a window" was clever once upon a time -- the 1800s, perhaps?

The number of sermons I've heard since starting high school would exceed 500. Remembering as hard as I can, I recall bits of five of them, not including those in the past month. Is this typical? Have I spent the last 12 years with, if not mediocre pastors, then mediocre sermon-deliverers? Do y’all who go to church regularly have a drastically different experience than I?

The best way in the world to get me angry.
I would guess, off-hand, that since the beginning of this year I have gotten angrier than the level of “somewhat annoyed” four or five times. (I remember four; it would not surprise me if there’s another one out there.) Two of those times have been making homemade pasta. Further, in both of those cases, it was the action of making homemade pasta that ticked me off so. It is a maddening endeavor. I need to get the knack of it, or I need to throw my homemade pasta maker away.

What do I want to be when I grow up?
I only have 39 years until I retire. Please help me decide how to spend those years, vocationally.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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