Requisite film post before I start discussing my vacation (which I do hope Kim will summarize in an e-mail to me that I can post here so I can be lazy).

It has been almost two weeks, and I have not heard back from any of the three projection entities that I sent "12 Stories About Eileen" to. I assume that this is because my film is a red blot on the pure white slate of cinema, and not because two of the entities would not be showing my film until summer at the earliest and thus have no reason to tell me yet and that the third entity is still accepting entries. That is what I am assuming.

Also, it has been almost two weeks, and I have not heard back from any of the two familial entities that I sent "12 Stories About Eileen" to. Well.

Also, if you were in the film, you will be receiving a VHS copy of the film in, oh, two weeks, after I add a couple pictures from Andrew V. and fix a couple timing issues and little things I've mentioned before and perhaps integrating comments from those few who have seen the film thus far.

Also, I have decided that my next film needs to be about money, at least implicitly, because that is the theme of the Virginia International Film Festival this year and that would be quite awesomely cool to have my film play there. I have until July 1. Please help with ideas.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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