An unexpected dilemma.

Snotcrap. It never occurred to me that I needed to come up with a synopsis of my film when submitting it to festivals. Why can they not synposize my film themselves? That is the question that I am asking myself and now you. Because that would be much easier, because I am I think too close to the film to give an accurate synopsisization that does not give away too much about either the themes of the film or the premise beyond, say, story #3 or so.

Okay. I have ten minutes before the end of lunch. Let me try.

1) A religious woman is missing. Could it be...Satan?

2) In Matthew Prins' eagerly awaited sequel to "Agnes: She is Missing," "12 Stories About Eileen" continues his exploration of the persevering, avoidable alienation of a specific subset of the human race, this time through a series of vignettes that say more about those discussing Eileen than about Eileen herself. (Alas, I may use part of this one.)

3) "I was at the lock-in the night it happened. I…don’t know too much. No more than anyone else, I guess." (That's the first line of the movie.)

4) No one knows nobody. (That's really more of a poster tagline.)

5) There are, you know, these, um, 12 people, and they're telling these stories about Eileen, you know, about when she...I mean, just various stories and stuff and, you know, sometimes they get a bit sidetracked and they start to talk about stuff like, just as an example, their favorite flower, like orchids, because you know I saw these really cool orchids once in a movie, I think it was Adaptation, which by the way have you ever seen that Björk video?

6) Seeing "12 Stories About Eileen" film that will change your life (because it has to by definition, because your life would necessarily have to be different if you had not seen the film, at the very least by the absence of seeing "12 Stories About Eileen").

7) "If you see one film this year that uses the word 'antecedent,' make it '12 Stories About Eileen'. Or not." -- Thelma Dawn Esprit, New York Post-Dispatch

Um. Yeah.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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