A second non-film-related post in a row? How perfectly sweet. Or something like that.

Some of you are no doubt wondering, "That Matthew, what does he expect to to run his 10K in?" The honest answer: Less than 1h45m and more than 1h15m. However, I know even more specifically what I would like to run my 10K in, and it is in this: 1h25m19s. Why? Because that is the pace that I would have to run every 10K at in a marathon in order to finish the marathon in under 6 hours, which is the typical amount of time allotted to finish a marathon. That's right. I am thinking about a marathon again, and in fact let me just put my marathoning logo down here as a little extra push:

I am intending to put a half-marathon as one of my goals for the second triad of the year, and either the Richmond Marathon or the really cool sounding Bay Bridge Marathon as a goal for the third triad. But I should not think about that yet.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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