
Hi. You do not want to read this. This is just me complaining how horrible my film is, how I will never finish it, etc. Yesterday was not a happy movie day, so I am just writing this post as catharsis. So just go read about sports instead. (This does not apply if you are computerly inclined, in which case go down to the first footnote to this post and help me.)

This is a stupid movie. The concept is stupid. The stories are stupid. The title is stupid. They aren't even stories; they're more just people vocally meandering. It should be "12 People Vocally Meandering About Eileen." There's no consistent tone; it gyrates from humor to seriousness to humor to mystery to the blatantly religious thing. It's all over the place. The ending is stupid; the idea wasn't bad, but I won't be able to pull it off, because I [spoilers removed]. The ending is foreshadowed too much. The ending wasn't foreshadowed enough. I keep on harping on the two major themes of the film -- isolation of others in lieu of God, [spoilers removed] -- too didactically, while still not making it clear that those are the themes. Everyone's saying the same thing over and over. I have no idea what I'm going to do for the video while moM and daD and Alexander and Katie. My video camera doesn't have a high enough resolution; my film's going to look like snotcrap. I can't get the audio off of the video files I've recorded1. My score is too difficult2. My score is too weird in places and too normal in others. My score needs more instrumentation. I still need to cast two parts3. I still need to record seven parts. I'm wondering when I can record Paul and Devon's part and Jo[h]n's part, because I'd really not have to wait until next Wednesday. I still need to record my part. I still need to memorize my part. My part's dumb. I can't memorize 800 words; what was I thinking? I don't have enough time to finish this. I don't have enough energy to finish this. This will be the worst film ever.

There. Got that out of my system. Back to work on my film, then.

1 Here is the problem: Apparently, there are two types of AVI files: type 1 and type 2. AVI type 2 is the type that is used in my video editing software (all three different programs I have, in fact), because it basically separates the audio into a separate appendage in the file, whilst type 1 integrates the audio and video. However, apparently, AVI type 1 is the only type that I can import from my firewire card, for whatever reason -- the card, the camera, the wrong codec. You would think that it would be easy to find programs that could convert AVI type 1 to AVI type 2, and it is, but in the six or seven programs I've tried, either the audio doesn't come over into the AVI type 2 file, or the audio sounds very (in lieu of a better word) computery. I have two potential fixes, either of which I'd take advice on:

a) Find a program that could extract the audio from the AVI type 1 file and put it into, say, a WAV file. Major advantage with (a) over (b): I don't have to sync the audio.

b) Figure out a way to have, say, Windows Media Player playing the AVI file while having, say, some other program simultaneously recording the audio off of it. (I tried it with "Sound Recorder"; all I got was loud static.)

2 This is not hyperbole. "Eileen Score, Part III" may sound cool, but as I learned upon giving it to an accomplished piano player yesterday, it's probably nearly impossible for any one person to play on the piano alone because of the 5/4 time combined with the very divergent rhythms in the left and right hand combined with many many many accidentals combined with a bit of speed.

3 Okay, only one part now; my boss has volunteered to be person #6.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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