"Thew," sadly, is already taken.
So after seven months of freeloading off of AOL, an AOL Service Representative finally allowed me to cancel my account rather than giving me an extra one or two months of free membership to "try us out some more." This is a sad, sad day.

I tell you this not so you can cry over Kim and I having to pay $10 each month for Wal-Mart's Internet service -- well, that's not entirely the reason -- but to start another contest1 at Prinsiana:

Give Matthew a New AIM2 Name!

See, AOL doesn't like me to use "mdprins" now that I've cancelled my account. So I need another one. Help, please.

1 These contests are blatant attempts to keep people reading Prinsiana City and participating in the comment discussion. No doubt most of you have already figured that out.

2 That's AOL Instant Messenger, which, shockingly, allows you to use it even if you're on a different ISP. I have a grand total of five (5) buddies, not including duplicate names, but including Andrew, who is not actually on my buddy list but he did AIM me once so I'm going to count him anyway, and oh, all of these buddies I know in person because I have very little interest in starting Internet conversations with people I don't know in person, because I did enough of that my freshman year in college, and really it gets kinda boring after a while because I am now at a point in my life where I like to see people's faces or hear people's voices when I talk to them -- I mean, not all the time, but occasionally, at least -- because a friendship or even an acquaintanceship seems a bit...cold to me when conducted entirely through black pixels on a white screen or even green pixels on a purple screen, which is a bit of a change for me because there was a time (freshman year, college) where I liked the safety and the distance of two computers connected by a network of wires but to be fair a lot of that was probably because I didn't have very many in-person friends at the time (maybe three or four, although I can't think who the fourth would be, and probably another half-dozen people who considered me friends but I didn't feel all that close to) and for none of those three friends I was their closest or best friend, including my girlfriend at the time, who by the way (most of you know this but a few of you don't) I actually met on the Internet, which just seems incredibly wacky in retrospect, but it was probably just a product of that first-semester loneliness, so anyway so when sophomore year rolled around, and I started being part of what is the closest group of friends I've ever had, a group that carried on together with additions through senior year, and then I picked up the cutest little girlfriend who also happened to have a wonderful personality, I...I really lost the need, and the longing, for those Internet-only relationships (I'm talking about platonic relationships here, although the other was obviously true also), and so even though occasionally I will step my foot into the Bannerbored or reply to 16f135lbsexy's instant message (not really), I feel very far removed from that time, and even this website here isn't meant to draw in outside people, at least not in the same way that STHQ did and was meant to do, because this is just me bouncing things off of my friends and relatives and other people I know and a few random people (hi, cynthia h., and LAWRENCE, and Briony!), but mostly it's just meant as a extension of my "real life," rather than a whole different life upon itself. There. Fifteen minutes (more like twenty, really) of unedited thought. (Burger King is going to win, but I thought this an interesting idea nonetheless.) Lovely, no? Welcome to my befuddled psyche. The bathroom is on the left, just past those synapses straight ahead, and there’s a few unopened cans of spinal fluid in the fridge.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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