Dreams, part two.
I had another dream last night -- a regular dream, not a lucid one. But I will not be telling you about it. Ha.

Go jump in the pool.
Beth-Annie claims -- claims, mind you! -- that Sixpence None the Richer vocalist Leigh Bingham Nash said at Cornerstone that Sixpence's1 new album will be coming out on September 24th. I have one word in reply: Yeahright. Annie, who must be a sickly optimist if she supposes that Steve Freakin' Taylor still may come out with another album, cannot be believed, nor can Mrs. Nash.

So. I invite you all to lose your money.

I am putting down a $2 bet that Sixpence's new album will come out May 13, 2003. If y'all are willing to bet $2 of your not-at-all-hard-earned cash on a different date in a winner-take-all pool, please do so. Your date must not be closer than two weeks to any previous bettor. If your date is the furthest one out, and Sixpence never comes out with another album, you are the winner.

1 If you do not know, Sixpence None the Richer is a very melodic (and generally depressing) band that, alas, is known among the hoi polloi by a below-average and surprisingly happy song for them ("Kiss Me") and the worst song they ever recorded (a cover of "There She Goes").

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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