I need to change my appearance.
I have an urge to look different. I've had the goatee for about a month now, and I'm not sure it's doing much for me; I've done the goatee thing so many times in the past that it's become a Matthew cliché. I was also thinking about the previous post, and you know what? I do not look smart enough. I need a pencil protector, or glasses taped in the middle, or perhaps just a tweed jacket. I'm not sure.

Here are some possibilities:
  • One of the new folks at work, who tried to dye her very dark hair red last weekend, thinks that my light brown hair would be perfect to be dyed red. I think that if I am going to dye my hair, however, I am going jet black. Put together jet black hair, sunglasses, and Kim's Firebird (with the T-Tops off, of course), and I'm on the edge of coolness.
  • I have always wanted to find a pair of Clark Kent glasses: cool-looking glasses with no corrective power.
  • Every summer when I was in elementary school -- Mom can correct me if this is wrong -- I'd get a buzz cut. How would I look with a buzz cut today? Horrid, I suspect, but can I really know without trying it?
  • Nose job. I don't have anything against my nose, but why not?
Please make other suggestions.

oh so lovingly written by Matthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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