Don't say something about a hierarchy of drinkable liquids unless you really, really mean it.
Two of my readers have requested that I divulge the aforementioned hierarchy, from top to bottom. Given the number of unique drinkable liquids that I have consumed in my life -- in the thousands, I'd suppose, if drinks such as a vanilla Dr. Pepper and a beverage consisting of half Barq's Root Beer, half Coke count -- I won't do that. However, if a third person is really curious, I guess I'll come up with a top ten or something.


Matthew's test for introversion.
Having given the Myers-Briggs test (okay, the Keirsey Temperament Sorter) this weekend for the first time in a year or so, I was reminded how crappy the introversion/extroversion questions are on Keirsey's exam. (Recall that I am an introvert, even if I can fake extraversion pretty well.) To wit:

36. Does new and non-routine interaction with others
a. stimulate and energize you
b. tax your reserves

Compared to routine interaction with others, um, yeah. I'd rather talk with someone about something new and different than hear the same "How was your day today?" soliloquies. A routine v. non-routine query -- which, against Keirsey's intent, this has become; he should have focused more on the "new" adjective -- goes into the P/J slot, not the I/E slot. (I still answer the question wrong for my type, but I'm such a borderline J/P that one more vote for a P ain't too surprising.)

57. When the phone rings do you
a. hasten to get to it first
b. hope someone else will answer

Kim is an extravert, I am an introvert, and I answer the phone at home. It's just habit. And don't know about you, but when I've had girlfriends who'd call, I've gotten to the phone pretty quickly when it rang. (Thinking about it more carefully, perhaps not until college; I think my parents picked up most of the time my first girlfriend in high school called.)

That's two very crappy questions out of only 10 questions in the section. (The other sections all have 20.) That means it has a crappiness rating of 20 percent! How are borderline people on this question -- such as Kim -- supposed to know their type? It's crap.

Did I say it was crap?

Yes, I see that I did.

[Ed.] And can you do better?

Yes. I can name that introvert question.

71. Are you an
a. Extrovert
b. Introvert

Ha ha ha. No, seriously this time:

71. You're at home at 5:00 p.m. after a relatively taxing day at school, work, or Internet surfing. All the other members of your household are out of your adobe and won't be back until 10:00 or maybe even 11:00. Your significant other and most of your friends are out of town for a couple days. You see that there is a message on the answering machine. It is from a good friend, but not your best friend -- perhaps your third or fourth closest friend, if you'd like to think of him or her that way. "Hey," your friend says, "Just at the last minute I've decided to have a little get together with [names two friends of yours who aren't quite as close] and [names two people who you know and certainly don't dislike, but whom you wouldn't consider friends] and two of my friends from out of town that are pretty cool, I think. It's a little late, I know, and I don't expect you to come on such short notice, but if you do come, that'd be great. Hope to see you." Do you
a. go to the party
b. stay at home and read, or watch television, or surf the Internet, or do something else at home that you enjoy?

If anyone answers this question differently than their personality would have me suspect, I'd like to hear about it.


This can't last long. Can it?
Because of me being so prolific, and because temperatures will be in the mid-90s all this week (which will lead to me doing this over lunch rather than disc golfing), I've (temporarily, I'm sure) increased the number of posts on the main page from five to ten. How nice of me.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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