I am in cinema heaven.
As those astute spectators of my 2001 films seen list have no doubt noticed, there are certain times during the year where I watch, say, 15 films in four days. This weekend will be one of those times.

Now, I certainly won't be able to fit in 15 films this time 'round -- 10 is more likely, if still a bit iffy -- but it does mean that I can probably accomplish one of the following:

a) Finish up my 1987 top ten list (by watching about 10 acclaimed 1987 films).
b) Finish up my 1996 and 1998 top ten lists (by watching about five acclaimed films from each of those years).
c) Watch a bunch of cool-sounding movies I've been meaning to see (by watching about 10 cool-sounding movies I've been meaning to see).
d) Watch Beverly Hills Ninja 10 times.

Options (a) and (b) are not guarantees, certainly. The unwatched pickings for 1996 and 1998 look particularly slim (other than The Rescue of Ryan, a Private and the Beth-and-Josh-loathed The British Medical Care Recipient), and I'm still five films away from a top ten in 1987. Nevertheless, if my faithless readers have a top ten list preference, or if they'd instead prefer to see me watch movies I'm likely to like, here's their chance.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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