Another point opportunity. Yay?

How nice am I to give you a chance to get ten more Prinsiana Points? That is the question I am asking you. That question is not worth any points, alas; however, these next twenty questions are each worth a half a point. (Two-part questions are worth a quarter-point for each half.) Nineteen-and-a-half of these questions can be answered from information somewhere within Prinsiana City.

1) What is Lisa G.'s last name?
2) Who did Matthew try make a bet with regarding who could write the most words in a certain time period? And did he or she accept?
3) What is the title of the first book of poetry by an associate professor at a small Midwestern community college?
4) Who is better in "Law & Order": Jesse Martin or Ben Bratt?
5) What were Matthew's fake names for (a) Saving Private Ryan and (b) The English Patient?
6) What is Matthew's fake social security number?
7) What is Matthew's fake password?
8) In what denomination should all gay ministers be required to be in a active sexual relationship?
9) What were Matthew's most recent two jobs, according to his defunct AOL profile?
10) What is the second job of Michael Joncas, composer of "On Eagles' Wings"?
11) Who created a sexy new page that she'd love for Matthew to check out?
12) What is Devon's last name?
13) What is Matthew's Myers-Briggs type?
14) What job would B.F. Johnson give Charles Nelson Reilly?
15) What kind of limit do introverts have?
16) Is the heroine in The Princess Diaries cuter pre- or post-makeover?
17) Finish the following bad pun by moM, regarding Matthew getting a very short haircut: "If you don't like it at first, it'll __________."
18) Is Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers singular or plural?
19) What is Kimberly's middle name?
20) Who were Matthew's (a) 8th-grade and (b) 10th-grade crushes?

Questions will be crossed off as they are correctly answered.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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