Pro-life, part deus:

Disparate from most every other pro-lifer, I have no problem with news outlets calling our fetus-loving clan "anti-abortion" instead. I don't happen to believe that movements have the automatic right to pick what the media should call them. Frankly, "anti-abortion" is a more precise term -- "pro-life" is too vague -- and journalists should be describing political groups using accurate terms.

That said, any problems that the term "pro-life" has, "pro-choice" has also. It's vague. It has an automatic positive connotation. (Who isn't for life, and who isn't for choices?) The other side doesn't like it, and instead they call their foes “anti-choice” and “anti-life.” And both terms (as far as I know) have been around since the beginning of their respective movements.

So if "pro-life" should be known in newspapers as "anti-abortion" -- a decision I'd agree with as an editor -- then "pro-choice" needs an equally clinical term. "Pro-abortion rights" isn't bad, but it's a tad wordy. "Pro-abortion" is inaccurate. "Pro-expectant mothers' rights"? Anyone have something better? (Note to pro-lif…uh, anti-abortioners: be kind. Thank you.)

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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