I need a little perspective.

Benji is a fan of computer games -- "the match game" (aka Memory), "the clock game" (aka a game where you put the numbers of the clock), "the shape machine" (aka this), and "Cootie" (aka Cootie on the computer, although he likes it in real life as well). Sometimes on each of these games he'll use the touchpad on my laptop (which he's getting better with, but still not great), but most of the times he'll point to what he wants me to do or give me verbal directions.

Anyway, probably Benji's favorite new game he calls "the go fish" (because at the beginning a fish with the word go on it swims by). What it actually is is a game the textbook company Houghton Mifflin created as a way to practice the skills kids learn in a specific unit in a specific grade. We've been going through the first-grade units recently -- most of which he's pretty-to-awfully good at, but some of which (particularly toward the end) he has some problems with. I'll admit I was a little disappointed at how he was doing with some of the later lessons until I realized, dude, this kid is two years old. If he starts school when the district says he ought, he won't be learning the skills in these later units for four-and-a-half years. High expectations are great and all, but, y'know, c'mon self. Let's be a little reasonable.

Libellés :

oh so lovingly written byMatthew |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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