Benji's third Christmas, Act 2

After breakfast we got back to the present opening, which Benji loved. Oh yeah, and Mommy and Daddy loved, too. Especially watching Benji's excitement. Isn't that what the "magic of Christmas" is all about?

Benji enjoys playing with Thomas the Tank Engine train sets at storytime that we thought he'd like a train set of his own. We were right.

As with the Duplos, we had to pause from all present opening to play with his new train set.

The past several times we've gone to Enchanted Castle we've saved up the tickets. Since Benji gets a kick purely out of taking tickets from the games and putting them back in the counting machine, we thought it was better to save up for a bigger prize. And we finally had enough for the giant Care Bear.

Big hug!

Or maybe big tackle!

Giant bear is actually taller than Benji. What's not to love about a teddy bear larger than you are?

Ah, now there's a sweet hug.

A present for Mommy and Benji? What could it be?

Benji must remember our fish back in Richmond. He immediately recognized the fish food canister in the present and got very excited. We still need to find the best place for the fish tank and go pick out fish, but it will be really nice to have fish again.

When Benji saw the nativity scene earlier in Advent, he immediately called it "Church" which I think is a fantastic recognition and association. And since the nativity is actually plastic or vinyl or something unbreakable like that I wanted to let Benji get up close and personal with the nativity.

His favorite part was the stable animals, especially the sheep. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised since he could count the sheep. But he did like the baby and the mommy and the daddy, too.

Daddy got presents, too.

Benji helps Daddy read his "Entertainment Weekly" magazine subscription. Not as much fun as Mommy's fish present, but still good fun.

Libellés : ,

oh so lovingly written byKimberly |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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