Benji phone home

In the next few months if you get an odd phone call with baby talk gibberish or heavy breathing, it's probably just Benji calling to chat. Or, if you're on the phone with Matthew or I and we suddenly hang up, blame it on Benji. He's really fond of the phone right now, but doesn't quite have the routine down yet. He'll desperately want to talk on the phone and has the most adorable "hello burble" but then he won't say anything. I can't tell you how silly I feel at work when I'm having a one-sided conversation with a toddler. But, when he gets talking away on the phone it's a total riot.

If the phone is within reach, Benji will even answer it for us!

Benji is very fond of the cordless headset phone since it lets him walk around while talking. What a modern baby!

What a multi-tasker! Benji talks on the phone, rocks with baby in his chair, and rings his handbell. I'm not sure one needs to multi-task with that combo of tasks, but Benji seems to think so.

In addition to the phone, Benji is getting the hang of the computer. Of course, he loves anything with buttons.

He looks so cute when he sits in "big people" chairs with those little legs hanging off the edge!

Libellés :

oh so lovingly written byKimberly |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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