
Not too long ago I saw some blurb about the cutest baby on YouTube. If I had the guts to post Benji video clips for the whole world of YouTube to watch, surely Benji would win out. As it is, though, you are my (biased) audience and my creative outlet. Enjoy this selection of recent Benji clips. But for those of you with dial-up, you might want to wait until you can use wi-fi somewhere.

Benjamin's birthday at Chipotle. This is a super long video clip (so definitely not to be downloaded on dial-up), but it's really sweet. You can see the "high five game" and "hand stacking game" that we sometimes play at mealtimes. I especially love when Benji puts Mommy and Daddy's hands together.

Ooh Mommy! 75 Legos to leave around the house. Over the past two months Benji has been quite fond of taking things out of boxes and putting them back in, whether they be Legos, toys in the toybox, candy in his Halloween bucket, or animals in his Noah's ark.

Noisy but very happy. Every so often Benji gets into a high-pitched squeal mood. Not so bad if he's at home or outdoors, but not so good in public.

Window shopping and practice walking. When Benji was learning to walk we noticed that he was more likely to practice walking in places other than the house, probably because he could crawl on the soft carpet at home but the concrete wasn't so nice outside.

BenjiTube. And in the spirit of YouTube, here's Benji watching Chicken Dance Elmo on YouTube.

oh so lovingly written byKimberly |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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