Things not worth a post by themselves but might work in a post together.

Kim and Benji and I went to the National Folk Festival in Richmond on Saturday, and let me just say that anyone who can sing more than one note at the same time is both cool and freaky.

Baby Girl Prins is not the 300,000,000th American. Boo hoo.

This is how Kim and I are going to make ourselves rich. (I will come up with the ideas; Kim will build the model.) (Kim is laughing at the first part of the previous sentence.)

This site is fun.

Kim and I are still in the 2005-2006 season of Gilmore Girls. Yes. We still have to watch the final two episodes from last season. What is wrong with us?

On Sunday, I received a tentative acceptance from a publisher regarding a handbell arrangement I did of a pop tune. Getting an arrangement of a piece published that you don't own the rights to is actually a bit of an arduous process: First, the arranger has to write to the piece's owner and get permission simply to arrange the piece (and pay them a fee simply for that privilege). (Sometimes, finding the owner is a pain in the butt, such as with this Super Mario Bros. piece I'd like to work on.) Second, the arranger has to find a publisher to like the piece well enough to publish it. Third, the publisher has to talk to the owner and see what sort of fee the owner wants to charge (generally 10 percent of the cover price). Finally, the publisher has to come to an agreement with the arranger on what percentage the arranger will get. Arrangers get a standard 10 percent on public domain and original pieces, but since the publisher's already probably paying 10 percent to the owner, the percent for the arranger is really up for grabs.

Benji has a fourth tooth coming through -- I'd say it'll break through the gums by the end of this week.

The best thing about YouTube is not the silly little self-taped things people put up there, but the professional bits you've never seen before, like this great Michel Gondry commercial, or this even better Spike Jonze Ikea ad.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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