Benji's Birthday Bash

Although Benji's birthday isn't until tomorrow, we've already had his big birthday bash. And I must say it was quite a success. We invited several families from church that we get together with about once a month, and most of them attended. So Benji had three little one-year-old friends and three older kids come to celebrate his special day.

For the party, we decided to do pottery painting which we thought would offer something for a variety of age ranges. The older kids were enthusiastic from the moment they walked in the door. The parents of the little ones, however, were a bit skeptical: "You want me to do what with my kid?" I figured that surely the kids had finger painted by now in daycare or at home. Once the parents suspended their disbelief, I think they all enjoyed it. Benji wasn't feeling quite as artistic as I've seen him, but we did get a nice footprint.

Of course we also had a great cake for Benji. Daddy baked it and Mommy decorated (the culmination of all those cake decorating classes). Benji enjoyed eating it (the first time he's had cake or much of any sweets). He didn't smash it all over his face or hair, but he did eat it with great enthusiasm. I think he actually had more cake than Mommy did. (Thankfully he didn't seem to react poorly to all that sugar, either hyper or ill.)

We ended the party with present opening. We tried to get Benji to rip open the wrapping paper but he really didn't seem to get it. He did, however, enjoy pulling the tissue paper out of the gift bags. And he wanted to start playing with his new toys immediately, despite the fact they were securely sealed in their boxes.

After all the planning and anticipation I can't believe the party is over, but it sure was a rousing success. What will we do tomorrow to celebrate on his actual birthday?

oh so lovingly written byKimberly |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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