The newest member of our church

Last Sunday four doting grandparents converged in Richmond to become four godparents for little Benjamin. It was so nice to have everyone make an extra effort for Benji's special day. And it was a special day.

We decided to have Benjamin baptized during Sunday Mass (we could have also had it in a private service). It turns out he will be the newest member of our church for quite some time since his was the last baptism before Lent. We also decided to have Benji baptized by immersion rather than by trickling water over his forehead. Mommy was a bit nervous about that but it went really well.

I must admit that the following photos don't really tell the whole story, though. I've taken Benjamin to Mass several times and have even sat in the front of church with the choir (under the microphones, no less). He's been a perfect angel every time -- except for his baptism. He was screaming before we even got him undressed before Mass and cried throughout the blessing at the beginning. He fussed during the readings and tried to have a bottle. He tested those little lungs again during the actual baptism, too. Interestingly, he quieted down when he got dunked in the water. So, the pictures make the whole event look a lot calmer than it was.

It was still a wonderful service and a truly special and unforgettable day for Benjamin.

At the beginning of Mass, we are welcomed and asked what we want for Benjamin. Baptism, of course.

The Godparents

Ready for an extra bath today?

Welcome to the congregation

Annointing with chrism oil

Is it a kiss or a shush?

Receive the white garment

Receive the light of Christ

A mother's blessing

A father's blessing

oh so lovingly written byKimberly |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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