Okay, fine. A balance of Benji and non-Benji topics.

For the last 15 minutes, Benji has been playing with a multi-colored plastic Slinky. He seems in equal parts confused and fascinated by it. He pulls both ends apart, and with very little resistance, the thing expands! How crazy this non-womb world is.

Dude, I have a Dell. (New Dell laptop, that is.) It is what I am writing this post on.

Benji is feeding himself. Sometimes, when I'm feeding him his bottle, he grabs onto it with both hands and holds it well enough that I can actually let go. Admittedly, he generally drops it about two minutes later, but still.

Now that I have the laptop, I'm hoping to have more time to do some composing -- last year I completed a dozen "major" works (as in, longer than a hymn or a mass part), and hopefully I can come close to doubling that this year. (19 days in, and I'm at 1 of 24 -- right where I should be.)

And combining me and 'Jamin: Let's say that Kim and I want to fund Benji's college education in full 18 years down the line, and let's say he wants to attend a private university. Approximately how much money would Kim and I have to set aside (in a 529, for example) per month for the next...okay, he's crying. Bye.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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