Another stupid contest entry.

I've been working on this on and off after work the past couple weeks, and since I have a decent rough draft of it more than a week before it's due, I'll post it for y'all to hear (and constructively criticize, if you'd like). Please be aware that instead of some piano realization of, say, a handbell piece, what you're listening to is a rough draft of the actual, final work, i.e. it is this MP3 file that would be on the CD these people put out. Also, be aware that this contest mandates that no entry be longer than one minute, so that explains the shortness.

It is tentatively titled "and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament." Yes, I do love Sufjan Stevens.

Oh, and I guess you want the file. Or maybe not.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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