
Even "Arrested Development" cannot make Martin Short funny. Because he is not.

Kim and I were at Baby Gap yesterday -- we need to get gifts for far too many pregnant friends -- and I saw what is, objectively, the cutest baby pajamas ever. It had a baby piggie on it that was saying, "Oink oink," and it had a baby cowwie on it that was saying, "Moo," and it was just so very cute. And it was also $24. Also there was a pair of cute froggie pajamas, but they were also $24. Apparently there is no correlation between amount of fabric and cost.

Speaking of the lack of correlation between amount of fabric and cost, last night Kim and I watched part V of PBS' Broadway: The American Musical (very interesting, even though they implicitly dissed The Greatest Musical Ever), and they had a few film clips from Times Square in the '70s, where it was literally a den of sin, or it would have been had it been a den rather than an area of Manhattan. Anyway, on one of the marquees: "UNLICENSED MASSAGES." I mean, obviously they exist, but to advertise them six feet tall? Brazen.

I am hungry. And people should not microwave popcorn when I am hungry.

Sometime I will write about my new shoes. But not today.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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